Our Group Work Experience



Working in a group has its strength and weaknesses, some of the strengths I found were:

  • The work load was spread equally
  • our communication was good at times
  • everyone completed their part.

Weaknesses I found whilst working in a group are:

  • Trying to meet up together proved challenging
  • Sometimes the work was left till last minute



This was quite an amazing learning experience, even though some things went well some not so well. To do a webpage on group work and communications it was interesting to actually learn about the key communication skills and dynamics of a group and relate these theories to our group. I’m sure if we did this again with all the knowledge we have now, this would have been a completely different experience.


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I feel we all had our different strengths and weaknesses within our group. For me parts I struggled with included:

  • creating the actual webpage
  • balancing other work

Parts I felt went well:

  • group discussion, bouncing ideas off of each other
  • delegated tasks so the work load was shared



For me pers14449928_1110329725680866_7474930430569122155_nonally the best experience I had of group work was when I spent two years as a Business and Administration Modern Apprentice within the University of Strathclyde. Here I was able to work with various different people in a well-structured and organised team. The roles within the team were very clear and the leadership within the team was very successful. We were all aware of our own responsibilities within the team and also those of other people which made it easy for us to function effectively. Communication within this team was excellent and I always felt like I was able to give suggestions and help to solve any problems which arose. Taking part in regular team meetings were incredibly helpful in increasing communication throughout the entire team as we would all meet up and give updates on any projects we had been working on or were upcoming. Experiencing the diversity in this team was also very eye opening. A lot of my colleagues were Chinese, which opened my eyes to some of the barriers which can occur during team work. For example, when some of my Chinese colleagues arrived there would often be some language barriers which would arise as although they had a fantastic understanding of English the chances were, they hadn’t experienced a Glaswegian accent speaking at 100mph. I was always able to slow my speech down and ensure they were able to understand what I was saying and even took part in weekly Mandarin lessons with them to try to try to learn their language as they had mine.