Definitions of Groupwork & Communication

“(unlike crowds) groups are more than just a collection of individuals. People come together in groups to accomplish a set of goals and to work together to accomplish these goals.” Using a variety of methods to share ideas and thoughts in order to work together with other people to achieve a shared goal. Reference Encyclopedia (2016)Group Communication, Encyclopedia [online] Accessed from: [15/10/18] Continue reading Definitions of Groupwork & Communication

Group Dynamics & Characteristics

Group Dynamics are influenced by the behaviours and attitudes within a group. Tuckmans theory explains the developmental stages of group development and how this can effect the group dynamics. The 5 stages of development are : Forming – This stage most members of the group will be feeling positive, as no roles are clear, some may feel anxious. This stage may last some time until … Continue reading Group Dynamics & Characteristics

Group Work Pros and Cons

Pros Results in common direction – working together to achieve successful results. following the same path to reach the end goal. Team Work – working together to find strengths and weaknesses as well as helping to support those struggling. More ideas put forward – each individual giving over ideas of what could work to improve the task outcome. work load spread out – work load … Continue reading Group Work Pros and Cons

Communication Skills

For a group to perform at it’s best,  Good Communications Skills are key to success. Communication skills include: Listening – Working within a group it is vital to have good listening skills, paying attention and asking questions to clarify what has been discussed.    Positivity and open mindedness – this will help the team to learn and grow and build on ideas and achieving the end … Continue reading Communication Skills

Methods of Communication

Methods of communication includes: Verbal Listening/ reading Writing Non-verbal Story telling Verbal Communication Verbal communication can be either face to face, over the phone or over video call. This is an effective way of communicating with others as it allows task and or problems to be solved quickly. Listening and or Reading Being involved in a conversation by listening to each word a person is … Continue reading Methods of Communication