Group Work Pros and Cons

pros cons


  1. Results in common direction – working together to achieve successful results. following the same path to reach the end goal.
  2. Team Work – working together to find strengths and weaknesses as well as helping to support those struggling.
  3. More ideas put forward – each individual giving over ideas of what could work to improve the task outcome.
  4. work load spread out – work load distributed equally amongst the group, this will help to reduce stress on one person and allow the work to be done in stages.


  1. Relying on others – you are not responsible for the full task however, relying on others in your group to do their part on time can be proven to be difficult if someone is too lazy to do their part.
  2. Lack of communication – working in a group may not have the communication element you prefer, some groups may never communicate until the work needs to be handed in .
  3. Lack of team work – some in the group may do more of the work required to make up for others who can’t be bothered doing anything.
  4. Clash of personalities – some groups have two or more strong personalities which may clash, this could hamper the group task as the member may soon refuse to work with one another, resulting in an unsuccessful task being completed.


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